Antioxidants – Types Of Antioxidants And Their Role In Body Protection

Antioxidants is the name of the groups which has the anti-oxidative by preventing free-radical, for example: - Vitamin A - Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - Vitamin E (mostly alpha-tocopherol) - Carotenoids (mostly beta-carotene) - Anthocyanins - Catechins - Lutein - Lycopene - Selenium - Manganese - Ellagic acid - Resveratrol - Zeaxanthin - ... Antioxidants are present in large amounts in several foods. However, the actual amount of antioxidants in several plant products may differ due to several factors. These include: - soil type and chemistry - available nitrogen and levels of other plant nutrients - moisture levels - temperature - pests It has been seen that plants which are exposed to stress are driven to synthesize antioxidants and are richer in these polyphenols and flavonoids. Food rich in antioxidants are shown here: To protect the cells and organ systems of the body against reactive oxygen species, humans have evolved a highly sophisticated and complex antioxidant protection s...